Wessex Health Partners Annual Review 2023/24


We are delighted to share our Wessex Health Partners Annual Review 2023/24, the first operational year of the strategic alliance. This year we have built strong foundations as the region's Academic Health Science Partnership, working together to accelerate improvements in health and care through research, innovation and training. 

Thank you for all your contributions to this year's work. 

Christine McGrath, Managing Director of Wessex Health Partners, said: "By harnessing our strengths and mobilising the region's expertise, the Wessex Health Partners strategic alliance is helping to address local priorities, transform health and care services, and improve health outcomes for our population and wider society." 

Key highlights include: 

  • WHP collaboration agreement signed by all 15 partners, formalising the strategic alliance
  • WHP governance structure established and core team appointed
  • Embedding R&I culture within our ICBs
  • Wessex-wide collaborative funding success
  • Wessex R&I infrastructure developed

 Our partners say they really value the way we are working together to:

  • Submit collaborative bids
  • Develop our Wessex-wide research and innovation culture
  • Embed research into health and care systems
  • Bring together researchers with health and care leaders
  • Develop a single Wessex voice
  • Improve infrastructure within the region
  • Facilitate new ways of joint working

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View the full report by clicking here: Annual Review 2023/24.

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