Wessex Health Partners / Wessex Experimental Medicine Network - Funding Call - Now Open

This funding call is to pump-prime activities which will lead to larger external funding applications. The aim is to accelerate our ambition to drive improvements in health and social care through research, innovation and training, for the benefit of our local communities and beyond.

  • A total sum of £200k is available to pump-prime activities which accelerate the impact of the Wessex Health Partners strategic alliance  
  • A further £50k is available to support activities aligned with the aims and themes of the Wessex Experimental Medicine Network (WEMN)  

This funding call is to pump-prime activities which will lead to larger external funding applications. The aim is to accelerate our ambition to drive improvements in health and social care through research, innovation and training, for the benefit of our local communities and beyond.  

As collaboration is at the heart of what we do, all applications should be 

  • led by one of our founding partners


  • involve forming new pan-Wessex collaborations with one or more WHP founding partners   

Further eligibility criteria and more detailed guidance is provided in the application form.  

Christine McGrath, Wessex Health Partners Managing Director, said: “We are really delighted to open this funding call. We’re excited to hear your ideas, and keen to support initiatives which will improve the region’s collective ability to tackle the greatest challenges facing our health and care system, and wider society.” 

This funding call is also open to applications which aim to develop and deliver experimental medicine in line with the activities of the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre.

The Wessex NIHR Experimental Medicine Network (WEMN) brings together NHS and HEI partners from across Wessex to collaboratively develop and deliver experimental medicine aligned with the activities of the NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and of relevance to the patients and public that we serve.

Ruth Challis, WEMN Project Manager, said: “We are committed to helping form new research collaborations across the Wessex region focussed on local health needs. This latest WEMN funding will prime new experimental medicine research projects, or activities, to support the development of capacity or capability. Projects which align with our NIHR Southampton BRC research themes are particularly welcomed, but projects outside of these theme areas will also be considered.”

More information on these research themes can be found here

It is expected most awards will be for less than £5,000.  

Awards of more than £5,000 may be granted with a guide to the upper limit for a single award being £20,000

The larger the award the more compelling the justification will need to be. 

Closing date: 31 Oct 2024  

Application Form: Application Form

Please email us with any questions enquiries@wessexhp.org.uk

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